Delivering an elegant & effective website can be a complex process. We simplify this with our tried and tested process. For over a decade, we’ve honed our approach to projects to make them enjoyable and highly productive.
We start the project with a “Discovery” meeting, which can often be along the format of an interactive workshop session. We try to extract some of your knowledge about your business. We talk in detail about what you want to achieve and your aspirations, taking your target audience into consideration.
Following the meeting we create a draft specification, proposed link structure and costing for your project. Once we refine this, we send it across to you and finalize this with your kind approval. We evaluate all your input from the discovery meeting and start to plan the design of your website by drafting a wireframe.
Once this wireframe is approved, our designers then get to work on putting together the ‘look and feel’ aspects for your website. Proposed design is submitted for your feedback and once approved we develop the required template with usability & desired link structure keeping web standards in mind.
Depending on your business requirements, we implement either a tailored development, or custimized existing modules. Using an agile process you feedback at various stages of development to ensure the best result is achieved.
Once the beta site (first cut) is ready we will share a link and work with you towards readying the final version.
After the final quality control checks, and integrating your final comments, we update your hosting space to put the new site on the air. Bingo!! New site is live now!!
We don’t just forget about you after launch, we watch how your website is performing by looking at various analytics for initial period. Thereafter, we can undergo a maintenance contract, if you wish and you need. And we are always only a phone call away if you want some advice or assistance!
We value our business with you, your growth brings ours too.